Our Key Enablers for Operational Excellence
We are leveraging on our In-house O&M capabilities, Analytics, Safe Processes – Safe People and Continuous Improvement Mind set for delivering operational excellence.
In-house O&M capabilities
We have set up a dedicated in-house team for the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of 2.4 GW solar plants and 397 MW wind plants. Our team has an expertise in handling renewable O&M asset including fault rectification and diagnostics, efficiency improvement, cost and process optimization and performance analysis which is a key enabler for delivering excellence.
Analytics lead excellence
With major thrust on data analytics, a state-of-the-art facility Adani-Energy Operation Nerve Centre (Adani-ENOC) has been set up at our HQ which seamlessly monitors and analyzes the real time performance of both Solar and Wind plants on a single cloud based platform.
We are leveraging business intelligence tools to improve our O&M practices. We are also utilizing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and GPS technologies for automated inventory control, asset tracking and maintenance, productivity enhancement and compliance management.
Safe Processes – Safe People
We are aligned to Adani’s safety culture of zero tolerance to incidents. SOPs and SMPs are defined considering all work related safety aspects. A strong governance mechanism based on predefined KPIs and site-wise targets helps create a safe and a healthy environment for our team. Our processes are further being accredited with IMS and 5S certification.
Continuous Improvement Mind-set
Best-in-class training of our team and state-of-the-art automation fosters our team to not only focus on performance improvement but also sustain the improved performance.
Continuous improvement mind-set is a corner stone for sustaining an edge of over our competitors. Our work environment fosters our team to continuously explore opportunities to improve our performance and raise the bar on an on-going basis.
A comprehensive search for technologies that will help us further optimize our methodologies, processes and cost-efficiency is ongoing. We encourage startups and vendors to partner with us in developing automated/ semi-automated water-based and waterless module cleaning system to achieve sustainable plant operations by reducing water consumption. We have already implemented a cleaning system which is a mix of air and water. This has reduced our water consumption by 50%. We are developing VR-based training modules for safe plant maintenance and are also deploying CCTV-based alert system for safety compliance.
O&M Practices
The Adani-Energy Operation Nerve Centre (Adani-ENOC) is one of its kind in India which seamlessly monitors and analyzes the real time performance of both Solar and Wind plants on a single platform.